The bond between mother and daughter is one of the most precious bonds that will ever exist.
As time goes on, you experience different stages in life with your daughter and each stage should be captured in a beautiful way!
In our Cincinnati Portrait Studio we specialize in Mother and Daughter photoshoots.
We work with the best hair and makeup artists in the city to offer mom and daughter a day of pampering followed by an absolutely gorgeous photoshoot! We have lovey dresses and gowns to try from our studio wardrobe and we guide you through a custom photoshoot designed just for you!

Some hesitate to be in photographs for different reasons. Some say, "I'm not photogenic." We're here to tell you that there is no such thing. We take the anxiety out of the process by creating a fun and free atmosphere so you can shine and show the best version of yourself! Others say, "I want to wait until I lose 10 pounds." We can take 10 pounds off in posing alone! And remember, your family want to see you in photographs, and they love you the way you are RIGHT NOW!

Kelly and her mom Lori


"Dear mom, I want you to see yourself the way I see you. My queen, my rock....I love you..." - Your daughter

Why should we do this?

• To experience a day of pampering together

• Your children will look for photos of you one day....what will they find?

• To learn to love the beautiful person looking back at you in the mirror

• To celebrate the unique bond you share
and to capture it forever

• Because before you think about it, the moments you share are gone

The Experience

Just fill out the contact form below and we will contact you within 24 hours!

How can we get more information?

Can I purchase a session as a gift?
Absolutely! We have gift cards available for purchase in different values. Simply click here to purchase!

The Reveal
Approximately 5 days after your shoot we will schedule your reveal appointment so that you can see your beautiful images for the first time! You will choose and order your favorite images at this time and get the opportunity to apply your print credit of $250. There is no pressure here. Some clients spend $500 some spend $5000. What you purchase is entirely up to you!

The Photo Session
You both will enjoy a complete expertly guided magazine-style photoshoot.
You don’t have to worry about posing, being photogenic or anything.
You will receive clear direction every step of the way so you won’t need to worry about anything. My team and I will help you both to feel comfortable so that you can enjoy the experience together and truly shine!

During your pre-session Zoom call, we will schedule your virtual consultation. You'll have the opportunity discuss various styling options. The goal is to approach the shoot day feeling confident about your outfit choices, ensuring a fun and stress-free experience! Also, we will discuss our studio wardrobe which features clothing in many sizes, catering to diverse needs.

A Pre-Session Call via Phone or ZOOM
What will we wear? What about hair and makeup? What accessories should we bring? These and many other details will be discussed during your consultation as we plan your special day!

Professional Makeup & Light Hair Styling
Get ready for a celebrity caliber beauty experience! We have some of the most talented makeup artists and hairstylists on staff. We will discuss how you would like to look for your shoot day. If you’d like to do something a bit different, we will help you explore that!

What is included?

The session fee is $650 and comes with a print credit of $250


Sign up for a pre-call